

Point 61 in the category of PRONOUNS/quantity is defined as: ‘BOTH’, ‘A FEW’, ‘ANOTHER’ as subject and object pronouns. *We have covered the use of ‘another’ here. A search in iWeb corpus for: . both _V 1 . BOTH ARE 48684 2 . BOTH HAVE 15241 3 . BOTH WERE 15188 4 . BOTH WILL

BOTH | A FEW Read More »

there + MODAL VERB + BE

Existential “there + BE” is a grammatical construction that asserts the existence or non-existence of something. It is usually followed by a noun phrase that is the real subject of the sentence. For example:
There is a book on the table.
There are many stars in the sky.
Modal verbs are verbs that express possibility, necessity, obligation, permission, etc. They can be used with existential “there + BE” to hedge claims or express hypothetical situations. For example:
There may be no simple solution to this problem.
There should be some food in the fridge.

there + MODAL VERB + BE Read More »

the reason why

In the English Grammar Profile, B1 point 63 in CLAUSES is defined as: THE REASON WHY: defining relative clauses with ‘why’ after ‘reason’, to give an explanation and for focus. *Note that “the reason that…” is B2.  A search in iWeb for: the * reason why 1 THE MAIN REASON WHY 8371 2 THE ONLY REASON WHY

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if not (ELLIPTED)

In the English Grammar Profile, B1 point 59 in CLAUSES is defined: ‘If not’ as a conditional clause to offer an alternative to refer to a previous direct or indirect ‘yes-no’ question where the answer might be ‘no’. *I don’t believe there must be a reference to a previous question for this grammar to show B1 complexity.

if not (ELLIPTED) Read More »

LINKING VERB + like | similar to + NOUN PHRASE

In the English Grammar Profile, B1 point 55 in the category of CLAUSES/comparatives is defined as: linking verbs + ‘like’ or ‘similar to’. EXPERT EXAMPLE: They taste similar to regular bulb onions, but they‘re milder. tastingtable.com PELIC STUDENT EXAMPLE He looks like a cute turtle. Korean, Male, Level 2 A search in iWeb for: look* like * * * 1 LOOKS LIKE THIS: 14720 2 LOOK LIKE

LINKING VERB + like | similar to + NOUN PHRASE Read More »

might * but *

In the English Grammar Profile, C1 point 195 in MODALITY is defined as: ‘might’ followed by ‘but’ to console or justify The usage requirements seem a little too restrictive because there are other uses that show a high level of complexity.  Here are Google definitions for ‘console‘ and ‘justify‘ in order: comfort (someone) at a

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might (question)

In the English Grammar Profile, C1 point 194 in MODALITY is defined as: ‘might’ QUESTIONS For example: How might you mark up the diagram to figure out what to do next? iWeb doesn’t allow us variable-length queries so the best we can do is: might _P * * * 1 MIGHT YOU BE ABLE TO 191 2 MIGHT IT BE POSSIBLE TO 132 3 MIGHT I BE

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C1 point 112 in CLAUSES/conditional is defined as: Conditional subordinate clauses with ‘if’ + the past perfect simple and modal verb + ‘have’ + ‘-ed’ in the main clause, to talk about imagined situations in the past, often with regret. *Note the same definition with ‘would‘ is listed at B1!  Basically, this means that for