
can’t bear + to-infinitive

In the English Vocabulary Profile at B2, ‘bear’ is defined: accept someone or something unpleasant For example: I can’t bear to see him like this. listen *There are other uses of ‘bear’ that are more advanced.  However, the sense defined above has a distinct grammar pattern: (CAN | COULD) (often negative) + bear + (to-infinitive | Verb-ing | noun phrase) Verb-ing

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ENJOY + verb-ING

The phrase “enjoy + ing” is used to describe an activity that someone finds pleasurable. In the sentence “Panda enjoyed reading, building, and solving puzzles,” the word “enjoyed” is in the past tense and is used to describe an action that has already happened. The words “reading,” “building,” and “solving puzzles” are all in the

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understand | realise + that CLAUSE

In the English Grammar Profile, B1 Point 42 in the category of VERBS/patterns is defined as: an increasing range of verbs, typically reporting or mental process verbs, with a ‘that’-clause as the direct object PELIC STUDENT EXAMPLE: I started to understand that there are many types of movies, and I started to distinguish between them. Arabic, Male, Level 4, Writing Class. *Note that this partly overlaps ’28

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verb + verb-ING

Here are two points in the English Grammar Profile in the category of Verb patterns that depend on vocabulary range: Point 29 is B1 and defined as: a limited range of verbs followed by an ‘-ing’ form. Point 56 is B2 and is defined as: an increasing range of verbs followed by an ‘-ing’ form.

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sense verb + OBJECT + VERB-ing

B2 point 54 in VERBS/patterns is defined as: some verbs connected with the senses + direct object + an ‘-ing’ form, to give emphasis to an ongoing activity. *I don’t believe B2 complexity should hinge on ‘activity’.  It should also include a state.  For example: I don’t see myself being with anyone else but you, Sarah. listen An iWeb search for: sense verbs

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verb + new subject + verbING

At B2 in the English Grammar Profile, point 52 in the category of VERBS/patterns is defined as: introducing a new subject before the ‘-ing’ form (using noun or object pronoun) For example: This session is designed to stop you wasting time and procrastinating when you need to be getting an earlier night. context * The example above can also be structured: “stop you FROM wasting time” _VV _P _V*G *Notice that the ‘get/keep

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like | want (verb patterns)

Like and want are transitive verbs that can take objects. For example, “I like football” and “I want money.”

After like, we can use either the to-infinitive or the -ing form. For example, “I like to use the internet” and “I like using the internet” are both correct.

After want, we can only use the to-infinitive. For example, “I want to use the internet” is correct, but “I want using the internet” is wrong.

The choice between the to-infinitive and the -ing form after like can convey subtle differences in meaning. Using the to-infinitive emphasizes the preference or habit, while using the -ing form emphasizes the action itself and the experience or enjoyment derived from it.

In the English Grammar Profile, A1 point 2 in the category of VERBS/patterns is defined as ‘like’ followed either by a ‘to’-infinitive or an ‘-ing’ form, with no change in meaning.

A1 point 6 in VERBS/patterns is defined as ‘limited range of verbs followed by a ‘to’- infinitive.

The most common verbs followed by a to-infinitive after like are: use, work, play, see, go, get, make, take, watch, read.

Here are some examples of sentences using like and want in A1 English:

I like to use the internet.
I want to go to the movies.
I like playing football.
I want to learn English.

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verb + THAT clause

In the English Grammar Profile, A2 point 24 in the category of VERBS/patterns is defined as: limited range of verbs, typically reporting, with a ‘that’-clause as the direct object Here are examples that are not really ‘reporting’: l just want you all to know that I care about each and every person at this table. listen Studies have shown that there are many benefits of music education. *the direct object that clauses are also NOUN CLAUSES.

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