
OPEN TO ( adjective + prepositional phrase )

We are interested in finding the most common noun phrases after ‘open to‘ that complete more abstract ideas such as willingness to consider something or something is likely to happen. In the English Vocabulary Profile: open to discussion/suggestions, etc. = C1 willing to consider a discussion/suggestions, etc. open to abuse/criticism, etc. = C2 likely to

OPEN TO ( adjective + prepositional phrase ) Read More »

will + usually | normally | often

Here’s an example of using ‘will’ to talk about habits and characteristic (typical) behaviour: The suspect will often leave something behind. listen C1 point 189 in MODALITY is defined as: ‘will’ to talk about something HABITUAL AND TYPICAL The English Grammar Profile examples contain: will result normally will usually contain will often knock won’t usually be able to *We can’t

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“Before” is a versatile word in English, functioning as a preposition, subordinating conjunction, and time adverb. As a preposition, it connects a noun or pronoun to another word, indicating something happens earlier than the time or event mentioned. As a subordinating conjunction, it connects two clauses, showing a relationship between them. As a time adverb, it modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb to indicate when something happens. Examples from various corpora illustrate these uses.

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