
ordering past events

Point 35 in the category of PAST is defined: past simple to order sequences of events in the past, in the context of narratives. PELIC STUDENT EXAMPLE: I looked at the sheet and thought about it and then I continued following my sheet. When I noticed that I should have arrived, I called my brother and he told me that I had the wrong directions. Arabic male, level 5 grammar class. Two of the EGP examples use ‘and then’ while one only uses ‘and’ to connect past

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VERB + myself | yourself | himself | itself | herself

And it‘s not because you‘re not smart enough,  it‘s simply that you don’t apply yourself. Another Woman The reflexive pronoun “yourself” is used as the direct object of the verb “apply.” The verb “apply” means “to use or put something to a particular purpose.” In the sentence, the speaker is telling the listener to use their own efforts or abilities to achieve a goal.

VERB + myself | yourself | himself | itself | herself Read More »


Passive ‘GET‘ + past participles is a way of using ‘get’ instead of ‘be’ in the passive voice in informal spoken English. It often refers to accidental or unexpected actions that we don’t want.  For example: If we don’t get caught,  it‘s not gonna matter who it was we stole from,  and we‘re not going to get caught. listen She got hit by a car. listen Oh, that‘s so nobody accidentally gets thrown out. Accepted   In the

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