
actually | unfortunately | of course | I’m sorry

Stance adverb phrases express the speaker’s attitude towards a statement. It covers four examples: “actually” (used to emphasize truth), “unfortunately” (expresses regret or bad news), “of course” (emphasizes that something is expected or well-known), and “I’m sorry” (expresses regret or softens an unpleasant statement).

actually | unfortunately | of course | I’m sorry Read More »

increasing range of stance adverbs

In the English Grammar Profile, B1 point 37 in the category of adverbs/modifiers is defined as: increasing range of adverbs: to indicate an attitude or viewpoint. For example: Basically, I agree with you. We need blankets because we should keep our bodies warm while we are sleeping. PELIC STUDENT: Japanese, Male, 4, g This is obviously for me. listen A list of adverbs can be taken from the EGP examples: completely|obviously|clearly|actually|luckily|honestly|sadly|basically|obviously|hopefully In iWeb

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wide range of stance adverbs

Adverbs of stance are a special category of adverbs that express the speaker’s attitude or viewpoint towards the content of a message. They are often used to indicate a statement’s degree of certainty, doubt, or objectivity. Some examples of adverbs of stance include arguably, assuredly, doubtlessly, probably, possibly, apparently, typically, and roughly. Stance adverbs can

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