

Comparative clauses using ‘be’ + ‘like’ + a noun phrase are used to draw similarities between two things. The structure is typically: subject + be + like + noun/pronoun. For example, in the sentence “John is like a lion”, John is being compared to a lion, suggesting that he has similar qualities or characteristics. This structure can also be used with negation or adverbs followed by an infinitive clause, as in “It would be just like him to forget his keys at home”, indicating that forgetting his keys would be typical behavior for him. The phrase “I was like” is used colloquially to express a reaction or feeling. For instance, “When I saw the test results, I was like, ‘I can’t believe I aced it!’” expresses surprise and disbelief. This structure is common in English and can be found in various forms in different contexts.

BE + like + NOUN PHRASE Read More »

will + usually | normally | often

Here’s an example of using ‘will’ to talk about habits and characteristic (typical) behaviour: The suspect will often leave something behind. listen C1 point 189 in MODALITY is defined as: ‘will’ to talk about something HABITUAL AND TYPICAL The English Grammar Profile examples contain: will result normally will usually contain will often knock won’t usually be able to *We can’t

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