either * or

As a conjunction, ‘either’ is used before the first of two or more alternatives, and then the other alternative is introduced by ‘or’.

Here’s an example of using the ‘either or’ structure.

And so, to be anti-racist, again, is to recognize that there are only two causes of racial inequity: 

either there’s something wrong with people, or there’s something wrong with power and policy.


There are two almost identical points in the English Grammar Profile for the following grammar.

C1 Point 23 in CONJUNCTIONS/coordinating is defined as:

EITHER OR to combine more complex strings of clauses and sentences.

B1 point 9 conjunctions/coordinating:

EITHER OR to connect two words, phrases or clauses.

*There is only one complex example of point 23 in the English Grammar Profile.  However, there are no examples of two ‘subject-verb’ clauses in the B1 points.  There are also other overlapping points that relate to ‘combining clauses of the same type.’

Since this requires very long results we turn to the ted corpus:

Either the scales tip one way — only some of us get access to the product and COVID remains a threat to all of us — or we balance the scales, we all get access to the right weapons, and we all move on together.


  1. Intent is about knowing and understanding that by me speaking up, I either want to work through a problem or address a situation.
  2. It’s always been this weird, you know, belief that we’re taught from little that you can either be successful or you can do the right thing.
  3. In other words, I either simply asked participants to push one of the cards, or I said, “Choose a card, and then push it.” And when asked to choose a card, the percentage of people who impulsively chose the most reachable one dropped from 60 to 35 per cent.
  4. And then we decided to do something I don’t think either he or I ever expected to do when we first met.
  5. You either adhere to the social norm that is set by the Control Yuan and the investigative journalists or maybe you will face social sanctions.
  6. A third-person narrator can be either limited, meaning they stick close to one character’s thoughts and feelings, or they can be omniscient, able to flit between characters’ minds and give the reader more information.
  7. We’re either being racist, or we’re being anti-racist.
  8. We’re either supporting policies that are leading to racial inequities and injustice like we saw in Louisville, where Breonna Taylor was murdered, or we’re supporting policies and pushing policies that are leading to justice and equity for all.

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