WILL (plan)

The future simple tense with ‘will’ is often used to express spontaneous decisions, promises, offers, and predictions without evidence. However, it’s important to note that ‘will’ is not usually used for fixed plans or scheduled events.

For example, if you spontaneously decide to go to a movie, you might say, “I’ll go to the cinema tonight.” This is not a fixed plan or a scheduled event; it’s a decision made at the moment of speaking.

On the other hand, when we talk about fixed plans or scheduled events, we typically use the present continuous tense or ‘be going to’. These forms are used when the plan is an arrangement – already confirmed with at least one other person and we know the time and place. For instance, “I’m meeting Jane at 8 o’clock on Saturday” or “We’re going to visit the museum tomorrow”.

So, while ‘will’ can be used to talk about the future, it’s not commonly used for fixed plans or scheduled events. Instead, use ‘be going to’ or the present continuous for these situations.

In the English Grammar Profile, B1 point 33 in the category of FUTURE is defined:

future simple: FIXED PLANS WITH ‘WILL’ often with timetabled times and dates.

The examples include both affirmative and negative statements.

*Also see will-future-simple


will go to New York on Thanksgiving day.

Korean female level 2 writing class.

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