This is a piece of incomplete research starting with verbs which are at their lowest sense at B1. We theorize that if these verbs can be used with collocations, then it shows a higher ability than just B1. This is a tedious project of research that will take a great deal of time. For now only some will be trialled. We have decided to use for our collocation information which comes from the COCA corpus. It also provides a vocabulary rank.
776 accept
2454 accompany
text, change, story, wife, article, sound, increase, husband, photograph, image, growth, exhibition, loss, letter, picture, by, often, must, each, usually
1153 achieve
goal, objective, success, result, level, student, effect, end, means, balance, status, peace, outcome, independence, reduction, help, order, in, able, difficult, necessary, desired
838 act
way, Congress, force, interest, American, manner, ability, authority, individual, faith, concert, adult, behalf, catalyst, intermediary, as, like, upon, quickly, alone, fail, responsibly
out, fantasy, story, child, scene, role, sexual, student, part, play, drama up again, AIDS, asthma