B2 adjectives What + HAVE + PRONOUN + got to be adjective + VALUES adjective + TO infinitive + THAT clause APPROPRIATE + noun ANNUAL + noun academic collocations of ‘alternative’ eager | eagerness + infinitive their native + language | tongue BE + adjective + THAT clause far superlative abstract concepts comparative adjective + THAN + verb-ING a (little) bit + COMPARATIVE (one of | some of | among ) the + SUPERLATIVE + PLURAL NOUN a little + ADJECTIVE | ADVERB comparative + hers | ours IT’S + adjective + THAT clause (focus) adjective + BUT + adjective + noun (complex noun phrase) (slightly | a bit | much) + COMPARATIVE BE + adjective + TO-infinitive BE + bound | likely | meant | obliged + TO ‘It cannot be true’ (modality) BE + sure | certain + to INFINITIVE adjective + (that) clause BE + about + to-INFINITIVE comparative non-finite clause superlative + THAT clause ‘the best you can’ a wide range of linking verbs used in other complex ways verb + A LOT + comparative adjective | adverb superlative adjective + noun + to infinitive adjective + ENOUGH + TO-infinitive attributive only time adjectives much + comparative adjective + noun BY FAR + superlative adjective rather a + adjective Most frequent hyphenated compound adjectives adjectives pre- and post- modifying noun phrases superlative adjective without a following noun ‘The price is slightly higher’ (slightly + comparative adjective) real | absolute | complete + NOUN (degrees of intensity)