passive + TO infinitve (belief or opinion)

Point 73 GSE B2+ is defined: express impersonal belief and opinion using ‘thought/considered/believed/etc.’ +’ to’ + VP infSTUDENT STUDENT EXAMPLES: Moreover, English is considered to be an international language. PELIC Thai male level 5 writing class.   In addition, he is believed to be the first teacher, because the first education system in ancient China was established by Confucius. PELIC Chinese male level 5 grammar class. EXPERT EXAMPLE: After all, the first intentional human burial is thought to have occurred around 100,000 years ago. […]

passive + TO infinitve (belief or opinion) Read More »


Imperatives Defined:
Imperatives are commands or orders expressed as a grammatical mood in English.
They instruct someone to do something or refrain from doing it.
For instance, “Sit down,” “Listen carefully,” or “Don’t shout.”
Affirmative Imperatives:
“Now, wait a minute.”
“Sit down, Zero.”
Negative Imperatives:
“Don’t shout; you’ll wake the children.”
Politeness and Tone:
Imperatives can vary in tone:
Forceful: “Stop!” (Direct command)
Polite: “Please open the window.” (Adding “please” softens the tone)
Offering Help: “Let me find you something.” (Using “let” to offer assistance)
Subject and Implied Subject:
Imperatives often imply the subject:
“Make me a pizza.” (Subject: “Anthony”)
Sometimes, the subject is explicit:
“Hey Anthony, make me a pizza.”

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declarative COULD ( past ability | suggestion | possibility ) with a range of verbs

A2 point 52 in MODALITY:

‘could’ with a limited range of verbs to make suggestions.

A2 point 27 in MODALITY:

negative form

B1 point 78 in MODALITY:

affirmative form of ‘could’ to talk about ability.

B1 point 79 in MODALITY:

‘could’ with an increasing range of verbs to make suggestions.

declarative COULD ( past ability | suggestion | possibility ) with a range of verbs Read More »

WILL (plan)

The future simple tense with ‘will’ is often used to express spontaneous decisions, promises, offers, and predictions without evidence. However, it’s important to note that ‘will’ is not usually used for fixed plans or scheduled events. For example, if you spontaneously decide to go to a movie, you might say, “I’ll go to the cinema

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am|is|are + going + to-INFINITIVE (future)

The phrase “be going to” is used in English to discuss future plans or intentions. It’s formed with the verb “be”, followed by “going to”, and the base form of the main verb. Here’s a summary:

Affirmative form: “It is going to take time.” – Expresses a future prediction or plan.
Question form: “Are you going to do anything about it?” – Asks about someone else’s future plans or intentions.
Affirmative form: “This is a group of people who want to tell you your work is going to live.” – Expresses a future prediction.
Informal affirmative form: “I need a video clip, and you’re gonna give it to me.” – Expresses a future intention or expectation.
In the English Grammar Profile, ‘be going to’ is used at different levels:

A2: Used to talk about plans and intentions.
B1: Used with an increasing range of verbs to make predictions.
An iWeb search for “_VB going to VVI” shows common usage patterns, such as “ARE GOING TO GET”, “’RE GOING TO GET”, “IS GOING TO HAPPEN”, and so on. These examples illustrate the versatility and frequency of this structure in English.

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as soon as (future)

This is another clashing point.  Although ‘as soon as’ is listed at B1 future, it is also listed in B2 conjunctions. FOR EXAMPLE: It will end as soon as Hedge finds his target. A search in iWeb for: _VVI as soon as _P 1 KNOW AS SOON AS WE 441 2 KNOW AS SOON AS YOU 362 3 KNOW AS SOON

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Here’s a very advanced hypothetical conditional example of using a negative modal verb phrase in a question: If worms were evading the vibrations,  wouldn’t they burrow deeper instead? listen Here are simpler examples of negative modal questions: Now who wouldn’t want that? listen Won’t you join me? listen Shouldn’t we save everything we can on the lifeboats? listen Question tags are also B1: Your life would be pretty different, wouldn’t it? listen Here are B2 examples: Wouldn’t that be cool? listen Why, if we knew this was going to happen every year,  why couldn’t we just do something to make sure that we were safer?