
VERB + myself | yourself | himself | itself | herself

And it‘s not because you‘re not smart enough,  it‘s simply that you don’t apply yourself. Another Woman The reflexive pronoun “yourself” is used as the direct object of the verb “apply.” The verb “apply” means “to use or put something to a particular purpose.” In the sentence, the speaker is telling the listener to use their own efforts or abilities to achieve a goal.

VERB + myself | yourself | himself | itself | herself Read More »

fronted preposition + relative pronoun

Wh-relatives can be preceded by a preposition unlike ‘that’ or ‘zero’ relatives.  For example: This is the thing which I am interested in.  (stranded preposition) This is the thing in which I am interested. (fronted preposition) This is the thing that I am interested in. (stranding) This is the thing I am interested in. (‘zero’ relative pronoun and stranding) In the English Grammar Profile, B2 point 12 in the category of PREPOSITIONs is defined as: preposition + relative pronoun as complement, to

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a much better + NOUN

A search on iWeb corpus for a much better _nn offers these most frequent B1 nouns: approach, bet, chance, choice, design, experience, method, mood, option, performance, position, product, quality, result, sense, situation, solution, system, user, value 1 A MUCH BETTER JOB 4957 2 A MUCH BETTER CHANCE 4140   The Motley Fool Canada Fortunately,  those

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