
might (question)

In the English Grammar Profile, C1 point 194 in MODALITY is defined as: ‘might’ QUESTIONS For example: How might you mark up the diagram to figure out what to do next? iWeb doesn’t allow us variable-length queries so the best we can do is: might _P * * * 1 MIGHT YOU BE ABLE TO 191 2 MIGHT IT BE POSSIBLE TO 132 3 MIGHT I BE […]

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PLURAL NOUN possessive

Here are some examples of plural possessives with an apostrophe s’:

Children’s books: These books belong to the children.
Women’s rights: These rights belong to women.
Men’s clothing: This clothing belongs to men.
Teachers’ pets: These pets belong to the teachers.
Students’ essays: These essays belong to the students.
When a plural noun ends in s, we make the possessive form by adding an apostrophe only. For example:

The cats’ toys: These toys belong to the cats.
The dogs’ beds: These beds belong to the dogs.
The horses’ saddles: These saddles belong to the horses.

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