• A clause is traditionally defined as ‘SUBJECT + PREDICATE’.  The predicate is a verb or the part containing a verb and stating something about the subject.
  • Clauses are the next organisation of words after sentences.
  • A clause contains one or more phrases.
  • A clause can contain one or more other clauses inside it.
  • Clauses can be embedded in phrases.  For example, after the head noun followed by a ‘relative clause.’

And yet

In the English Grammar Profile ‘and yet’ or ‘yet’ is listed at C2 Point 24 in CONJUNCTIONS “CONCESSIVE to combine sentences, often unexpected” C1 Point 20 in CONJUNCTIONS coordinating CONCESSIVE ‘(and) yet’ to combine phrases and clauses to introduce a contrast, often unexpected. In the English Vocabulary Profile, ‘yet’ as a conjunction is listed as:

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In the English Vocabulary Profile, the pictured item “unless” has one level = B1.  However, in the English Grammar Profile: 18 CONJUNCTIONS subordinating B2 wide range of simple subordinating conjunctions (‘once, whereas, unless, except (that) provided (that)’), to introduce a subordinate clause. Getting to work by car is comfortable, and faster unless you are caught

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